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The National Quality Conference (NQC) is an organization dedicated to promoting Nigeria’s quality culture and brands on a global scale.

Each year, NQC develops new frameworks aimed at motivating and enhancing productivity within Nigerian businesses and corporate environments.

In the fourth quarter of every year, NQC celebrates Nigeria’s National Quality Day. This event brings together corporate brands and organizations to network, develop new quality frameworks, and recognize outstanding Nigerian quality brands.


Welcome to the Nigerian Quality Exhibition Fair, a premier eight-hour event designed to showcase Nigeria’s finest products and services, achieving the greater purpose of not only boosting the morale of companies but also adding higher value to their success.

This exclusive exhibition invites high-net-worth individuals, the media and key stakeholders to witness the pinnacle of innovation and quality our country has to offer.

Don’t miss this unparalleled opportunity to connect with top-tier organizations and experience the best of Nigerian craftsmanship, technology, and ingenuity. Whether you’re looking to discover new business partnerships or gain insights into the latest market trends, the Nigerian Quality Exhibition Fair is the ultimate platform for your success.

Be part of this groundbreaking event and elevate your brand to new heights.

National Quality Exhibition Fair 2024 Objectives

  1. To showcase and promote at least 30 high-quality Nigerian products and services from various industries to a targeted audience of high-net-worth individuals, the media and key stakeholders.
  2. To attract a minimum of 500 high-net-worth individuals and influential stakeholders, ensuring that at least 75% of exhibitors gain potential leads and business connections.
  1. To secure participation from at least 100 renowned Nigerian companies and startups, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive representation of the country’s top-quality offerings.
  2. To enhance the visibility and reputation of Nigerian products and services, contributing to the growth of local businesses and fostering economic development within the country.
  3. To achieve these objectives within the seven-hour duration of the Nigerian Quality Exhibition Fair, scheduled for Thursday, 3rd October 2024.


The “Customer Quality Assessment Award” is a recognition and certification given to brands & organizations that have demonstrated a high level of quality and excellence in their customer service and overall customer experience. It’s a way to acknowledge companies that consistently meet or exceed customer expectations in areas such as responsiveness, product/service quality, support, and satisfaction. These awards are based on various criteria, including customer feedback, surveys, and performance metrics. It is intended to enhance your company’s reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.

NQC-CQA Award Selection Process
Allied Integrated Promotion, a leading quality, brand management, and PR firm, in conjunction with Interbrand, conducted a survey and compiled the final report of the deserving award winners for this year’s National Quality Day celebration. With a focus on promoting Nigerian brands to achieve success in global business communities, we adopted an innovative approach to identify the finalists of this year’s National Quality Conference/Customers Quality Assessment Awards. The finalists were selected from over 100 brands and corporate organizations. The competition’s criteria and categories cover a wide range of aspects:
  • Quality Standard Products & Service Deliveries – 30%
  • Customer Survey + Customer Referrals – 50%
  • Product & Services Acceptability – 10%
  • Innovation – 10%
This comprehensive methodology ensures that only the most deserving brands and organizations are recognized for their excellence in quality and customer satisfaction.


History of the National Quality Conference (NQC)

The National Quality Conference (NQC) has established itself as a premier event dedicated to promoting quality standards and practices across various industries in Nigeria. Here is a brief history of its development:


The National Quality Conference was conceived in 2019, with the goal of addressing the growing need for quality improvement and national awareness in Nigerian industries. The conference was founded by Allied Integrated Promotion & Management Limited, who recognized the importance of setting national quality standards in driving economic growth and competitiveness.

Early Years

In its early years, the NQC focused on creating national awareness about the significance of quality management, service improvement, and the adoption of international quality standards. The maiden conference, held on Monday, October 11, 2021, at the Sheraton Hotel in Ikeja, Lagos, attracted a modest number of participants, including CCECC, Oraimo, HiThermocool, Sacral Industries, and various government agencies.

Growth and Development

As the importance of quality management became more widely recognized, the National Quality Conference grew in size and influence. It began to attract a more diverse audience, including industry leaders, quality professionals, academics, and international experts. The conference expanded its scope to cover a broader range of topics, primarily focusing on advancing Nigeria’s national quality growth.

Introduction of the Customers Quality Assessment Award

In 2023, the NQC introduced the Customers Quality Assessment Award (CQA) to recognize and honor organizations that demonstrated excellence in quality management and customer satisfaction. This award added a competitive element to the conference and encouraged more organizations to adopt best practices in quality management.

National Quality Exhibition Fair

In 2024, the NQC further expanded by incorporating the National Quality Exhibition Fair. This fair is designed to provide the best platform for companies to showcase their quality products and services, share success stories, and network with potential clients and partners.

Recent Developments

In recent years, the National Quality Conference has continued to evolve, embracing new trends and technologies in promoting quality consciousness. The conference now features a variety of sessions, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, awards, and exhibitions. It remains a key event for fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among quality professionals in Nigeria.

Impact and Legacy

The NQC has had a significant impact on the promotion of quality standards in Nigeria. It has played a crucial role in raising awareness, providing education and training, and recognizing excellence in quality management. The conference has also contributed to the overall improvement of products and services across various industries in the country.

Today, the National Quality Conference, along with the Customers Quality Assessment Award and the National Quality Exhibition Fair, continues to be a vital platform for advancing national quality practices and fostering a culture of excellence in Nigeria.

  1. Exhibition Booth & Media Interviews: All exhibitors will have the opportunity to showcase their products and engage in exclusive media interviews, enhancing their visibility and reach.
  2. Nigerian Gold Seal Certificate & Gold-Plated Plaque: Winners will receive the prestigious Nigerian Gold Seal Certificate as a mark of quality, along with a gold-plated plaque to commemorate their achievement.
  3. Comprehensive PR Coverage: Enjoy extensive public relations support with features on prominent online platforms and coverage in national newspapers.
  4. Advertisement in African Trade Magazine: Gain additional exposure with advertisements in a leading African trade magazine, reaching a broader audience.
  5. Networking and Recognition: Learn from industry leaders, share best practices, and gain recognition among Nigeria’s top quality brands.
  1. Recognition Amongst Quality Brands: Stand out and be acknowledged among Nigeria’s top quality brands, enhancing your brand’s prestige and market position.

These benefits not only enhance your brand’s credibility but also provide valuable exposure and networking opportunities within the industry.